COMPUTER AWARENESS- 006 1. The deleted files a) will be stored in My computer directory b) will be stored in Recycle bin c) cannot be recalled d) none of the above 2. The Start Menu consists of a) Settings, Find, Help b) Run, Shut Down c) Programs, Documents d) All the above 3. The MS
COMPUTER AWARENESS- 005 1. The ‘’Find’’ option can be used to a) trace files only b) trace computers on the machine and network only c) both (a) and (b) d) none of the above 2. The ‘’Shut Down’’ menu has a) only restart the computer option b) only restart the computer in MSDOS mode
COMPUTER AWARENESS- 004 1. Information can be saved, or retrieved from memory location through its a) Address b) Value c) Variable declaration d) Input 2. CPU consists a) Primary memory, control unit, arithmetic and logic unit b) Input, output c) Input, memory, output d)Inputs, outputs, control units, memory unit 3. The shape of decision symbol
COMPUTER AWARENESS- 003 1. The content of RAM is a) Permanent b) Temporary c) Volatile d) Duplicate 2. 1 MB (Mega Byte) is equivalent to a) 220 bytes b) 210 bytes c) 240 bytes d) 28 bytes 3. The common secondary devices (auxiliary storage units) are a)Floppy disk drive b) Magnetic drum c) Magnetic tape
COMPUTER AWARENESS- 002 Previous 1. The earliest calculating device is a) abacus b) difference engine c) clock d) none of the above 2. Assembly language a) is the easiest language to write programs b) need not be translated into machine language c) uses alphabetic codes in place of binary numbers used in machine language d)
Computer Awareness Quiz -1 1. Who built the 1st mechanical calculator a) John Mauchly b) Blaise Pascal c) Joseph Marie Jacquard d) Howard Aiken 2. Punched cards were firstly introduced by a) Powers b) Pascal c) Jacquard d) Hollerith 3. The first machine which would be called the prototype of the modern