RRB ALP and Technician: More than 20000 upcoming Vacancies in 2017
RRB Loco Pilot and Technician Vacancies in 2017
Good news for ALP and Technician aspirant!
According to RRB Officials, New Vacancy for both Assistant Loco Pilot and Technician is likely to be announced in 2017. The upcoming vacancies will come after a long waiting of two years. The process of previous ALP and Technician Recruitment (CEN-01/2014) is still going on for few Boards Like RRB Patna, RRB Mumbai etc. Since these processes are expected to be completed by the end of this year. So Railway Recruitment Board will release new notification soon.
Check- ALP & Technician Recruitment-2018 for 26502 posts.
Check- ALP & Technician Recruitment-2018 for 26502 posts.

All 21 RRBs has collected the information of vacant seats for the post of ALP and Technician. The upcoming vacancies include recruitment for more than 20,000 seats. The number of seats may go up. The Vacancy may come by the end of December 2016 or in the First quarter of 2017.
Check: ALP/Tech. written Test Detailed Syllabus
Check: ALP/Tech. written Test Detailed Syllabus
Check: ALP Psychological Test Complete Details
Start Preparation Of Assistant Loco Pilot & Technician.
Start Preparation Of Assistant Loco Pilot & Technician.

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