RRB NTPC Stage-2 [18-01-2017] All Shift Question-Answer
Download RRB NTPC Stage-2 [18-01-2017] All Shift Question-Answer
RRB NonTechnical Popular Categories Stage-2 Exam Solved Questions

RRB NTPC Stage-2 Online CBT First Shift Questions [Memory based]
RRB NTPC Stage-2 Second Shift Online CBT Question [Memory Based]
Q. Archery is the national game of which country?
Q. ICC world XI T20 captain
Q. Nobel Prize for Literature in 2015
Q. Some Railway Act related question.
Q. Akbar
Q. UNICEF heritage site Le Corbusier
Q. Another Que on UNICEF heritage site
Q. Malaria free country
Q.One Adult Franchise question?
Q. Afforestation question?
Q. Bhutan situated in which part of Himalaya
Q. Property of mixtures related question
Q. Property related to state of matter (colloidal, solid-liquid gaseous)
Q. propery related to electromagnetism
Q. NAM theme
Q. Ben Kingsley
Q. State reorganization committee constituted in
Q. Criteria for national party
Q. Criteria for State policy
Q. Flora and Fauna
Q. One related to IUCN red data book
Q. Not an omnivore
Q. Plants and microorganism improve the quality of
Q. Chlorofluorocarbons are not used in
Q. germanium is used for
Q. Guinness world record que
Q. Elephant is not the national animal for which of the following state
Q. Full form of DNS
Q. Full form of FDI
Q. MS word is .. software
Q. CD-ROM is
Q. In excel, formula starts with
Q. Gandhi returned from South Africa in
Q. St peters square is in
Q. Sathyameva jayathe is taken from
Q. Study of land, features etc
Q. Most appropriate meaning of Ethnic
Q. Eye problem is not corrected by
Q. Which is not a food crop
Q. NABARD related que
Q. Mission Raftaar related Question
Q. Gains tax Economics question.
Q. Lala Lajpat rai born in
Q. Sound related question.
Q. JUNO spacecraft,
Q. Spaces research question, options were Human culture, physics, biology etc
Q. Which among the following is not a child welfare scheme
Q. NITI you stands for?
Q. The number of heart Chamber in fishes?
Q. Sachin Tendulkar was played County Cricket with which team?
Q. old name of award
Q. RAW full form
Q. civil disobedience was started on which date
Q. china open tennis doubles winner
Q. Indus water treaty was signed in
Q. which railway added in UNESCO world heritage 2016
Q. new chief of army
Q. national geophysics research institute is at
Q. GPS full form
Q. which is a tributary of Ganga
Q. the merger of budget will be from which year
Q. goa was offered to join with Maharastra in which year
Q. One Question from formula 1 GP
Q. who is the owner of Gujarat lions
Q. minimum age to be the cm of a state
RRB NTPC Stage-2 Third Shift Question-Answer [Memory based]
Q. Currency of Turkey?
Q. Minimum age requirement of President?
Q. 2-3 Question on blood relation
Q. 2-3 Question on Compound interest
Q. 2345678×999999=?
Q. An equilateral triangle has perimeter of 24 cm, find the perimeter of the triangle made by connecting midpoint of each side of the triangle?
Q. One Question on find median of given set of numbers
Q. One Question on HCF….
Q. One Question on LCM…
Q. A train cover has the speed of…. crosses a pole in 9 sec find the length of the train?
Q. Which Railway Platform decleared as cleanest?
Q. A man moves 20 m south and then turn his right and moves 21 m, he is how far from his origin?
Ans– 29 m
Q. Endangered species of a lion is found in which state?
Q. SAP stands for? [Related with Computer Awareness]
Q. Meaning of Yajur in Yajur Veda?
Q. Mahabalipuram monuments built by?
Q. www invented by?
Q. Environment day?
Q. Bharat Ratna 2015?
Q. Commonwealth gold medal winners in women’s squash?
Q. app started by railway for grievances of railway employees?
Q. Playing it my way?
Q. India’s youngest chess grand master?
Q. Nobel Prize 2010 for IVF?
Q. Right to Education article?
Q. UNFCCC full form?
Q. SAP full form in data processing?
Q. Highest peak in southern India?
Q. Anandmath writer?
Q. Lion capital of saranath by which ruler?
Q. Asiatic lions found in which state?
Q. T20 women’s world cup winner ?
Q. Which of the following is not UNESCO sites of India?
Q. Integrated chips – which generation?
Q. India’s rank in 2015 Greenhouse gas emissions?
Q. Highest apples producing state in India?
Q. JAM related to Jan Dhan Yojana?
Q. Jaliyan wala Bagh massacre year?
Q. Man to moon 1st mission?
Q. Lifeline express?
Q. EP100 – Indian company?
Q. Singapore – environment – program?
Q. Upper layer of skin?
Q. Which Romanian president prosecuted for crimes against humanity?
Q. Bulb of 60W is connected across 240V supply. How much current it will draw from supply?
Q. There are 4 resistors of 5 ohms each. How much minimum resistance u can get?
Q. Chemical not soluble in water?
Q. Which is not a component of gastric juice?
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