FRI Dehradun Exam Pattern for Tech & Non-Tech Posts
FRI Dehradun Exam Pattern for Tech & Non-Tech Posts
Forest Research Institute, Dehradun
FRI (वन अनुसन्धान संस्थान) is a premier institute in the field of Forestry research in India. Established in 1906. It is located in Dehradun (UK). In 1988, FRI and its research centres were brought under the administrative umbrella of Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) under the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Government of India. In 1991, it was declared as a deemed university by UGC (University Grant Commission).

Exam Schemes & Pattern for Technical Posts (Group-C)
1. Technician (Electrician, Plumber, Asst. Machine Operator, Carpenter, Welder)
10th Level-
(i) 20 Questions of the relevant field – 20 Marks
(ii) Arithmetic – 20 Marks
(iii) Mental Ability & Reasoning – 20 Marks
(iv) Gen. Awareness- 20 Marks
(v) Gen. English – 20 Marks
Maximum Marks= 100
Duration= 3 Hrs
2. Technician (Field/Lab Research)
12th Level-
(i) Basic Science – 20 Marks
(ii) Arithmetic – 20 Marks
(iii) Mental Ability & Reasoning – 20 Marks
(iv) Gen. Awareness- 20 Marks
(v) Gen. English – 20 Marks
Maximum Marks= 100
Duration= 3 Hrs
3. Technical Assistant (Electrical, Civil, Mechanical)
12th Level-
(i) 40 Questions of graduate level in the relevant subjects – 40 Marks
(ii) Arithmetic – 20 Marks
(iii) Gen. Awareness & Reasoning- 20 Marks
(iv) English & Gen. Science – 20 Marks
Maximum Marks=100
Duration= 3 Hrs
1. Merit list will be prepared on the basis of marks secured by the candidates. In the case of tie marks, general rules as given in the Recruitment Rules for these posts will be followed to finalize merit list.
2. Each correct answer will carry one marks. 1/3rd Marks will be deducted for each incorrect answer.
3. Minimum Qualifying marks for the all above posts will be 50% of total marks for the General, 40% for SC, ST, OBC candidates. Minimum Qualifying marks will be 45% for General (Physically handicapped) person with a locomotor disability of lower limbs and 40% for SC(PH), ST(PH) and OBC(PH).
4. Five times of the number of vacancies of posts mentioned at S.No. 1, will be called for skill/trade test shortlisted from the merit list of written examination.
5. For the post mentioned at S.No. 2 and 3, candidates shall be selected as per highest merit based on written examination only.
6. In case of equal marks/tie marks in the written examination the merit will be decided based on the ranking in the various subsections in progressive order. For eg. Subsection (i) will have higher priority than subsection (ii) and so on. In the event of all equality, older candidates shall be placed at higher merit as per their Date of Birth.
Exam Scheme and Pattern for Non-Technical Posts (Group-C)
1. Store Keeper
12th Level
(i) Quant. Aptitude – 25 Marks
(ii) Gen. Intelligence – 25 Mark
(iii) Gen. Awareness– 25 Marks
(iv) English Language – 25 Marks
Maximum Marks= 100
Duration= 2 Hrs
Qualifying Marks:
General & OBC- 40
SC, ST, PH- 33
2. Driver Ordinary Grade
10th Level
(i) 20 Questions of the relevant field ( Driver) – 20 Marks
(ii) Gen. Awareness – 20 Marks
(iii) Mental Ability & Reasoning – 20 Marks
(iv) Gen. English – 20 Marks
(v) Arithmetic – 20 Marks
Maximum Marks= 100
Duration= 2 Hrs
Qualifying Marks:
General & OBC- 40
SC, ST, PH- 33
3. Lower Division Clerk (LDC)
12th Level-
(i) Quant. Aptitude – 25 Marks
(ii) English Language – 25 Marks
(iii) Gen. Awareness – 25 Marks
(iv) Gen. Intelligence – 25 Marks
Maximum Marks= 100
Duration= 2 Hrs
Qualifying Marks:
General & OBC- 40
SC, ST, PH- 33
4. Forest Guard
10th Level-
(i) Basic Science related to Forestry – 40 Marks
(ii) Arithmetic & Reasoning – 25 Marks
(iii) Gen. Awareness- 25 Marks
(iv) English – 10 Marks
Maximum Marks= 100
Duration= 2 Hrs
Qualifying Marks:
General & OBC- 40
SC, ST, PH- 33
5. Multi Tasking Staff (MTS)
10th Level-
(i) Gen. Intelligence & Reasoning – 25 Marks
(ii) General Awareness – 25 Marks
(iii) Numerical Aptitude – 25 Marks
(iv) General English – 25 Marks
Maximum Marks= 100
Duration= 2 Hrs
Qualifying Marks:
General & OBC- 40
SC, ST, PH- 33
1. Each correct answer will carry one marks. 1/4th Marks will be deducted for each incorrect / wrong answer.
2. For the post at S. No. 1 and 5, candidates shall be selected as per highest merit based on written examination only.
3. Five times of number of vacancies for the post at S. No. 2, 3 and 4 will be called for Skill test/ Physical test shortlisted from the merit list of written examination. Skill test / Physical test will be of qualifying nature and final merit list will be prepared after Skill test / Physical test for these posts.
4. In case of equal marks / tie marks in the written examination the merit will be decided based on the ranking in the various sub- sections in progressive order. For example, Sub section (i) will have higher priority than sub section (ii) and so on. In the event of all equality, older candidates shall be place at higher merit as per their Date of Birth.