Important Questions for BPSC Prelim Exam-1
Most Important Questions for BPSC Prelim Exam-1
Important GS
GS related with Bihar
1. From Bihar who followed Gandhi to Champaran?
Ans- Anugrah Narayan Singh, Dharanidhar, Brajkishore Prasad.
2. In May 1934 Congress Socialist party came into existence under the Presidentship of?
Ans- Narendra Dev
3. The first recipient of Ashok Chakra from Bihar?
Ans- Late Randhir Verma.
4. First Muslim Governor from Bihar?
Ans- Zakir Hussain
5. Area wise largest district of Bihar?
Ans- Gaya

6. Jai Prakash Narayan received Bharat Ratna in?
Ans- 1999
7. The length of Gandhi setu?
Ans- 5755 Km
8. First yoga university of the world in?
Ans- Munger
9. Sources talk about ”Ang-Mahajanpada” which is present in Bhagalpur?
Ans- Anguttar Nikkaya, Bhagavati Sutra.
10. How many districts of Bihar touches with Nepal Border?
Ans- 7
11. Which News paper published first from Patna?
Ans- Indian Nation.
12. During summer which is the hottest city of Bihar?
Ans- Gaya
13. Most densely populated district of Bihar?
Ans- Patna
14. Janki Prasad started Home Rule League Association in Bihar from?
Ans- Muzaffarpur
15. Orissa was separated from Bihar in?
Ans- 1936
16. Bismillah Khan, Shehnai Vadak -an awardee of Bharat Ratna in 2001 was from?
Ans- Dumraon
17. When Railway started first time in Bihar?
Ans- 1860-62
18. Highest Peak of Bihar?
Ans- Someshwar
19. Bihar is bounded on North by?
Ans- Nepal.
20. Total Geographical Area of Bihar?
Ans- 94,136 Km2
21. During the reorganization of State in 1956, Bihar had how many districts?
Ans- 17
22. Kakolat waterfall is in which city of Bihar?
Ans- Navada
23. Bihar position in Jute production?
Ans- 2nd.
24. Which district of Bihar leads in potato production?
Ans- Patna
25. The Position of Bihar in rice production?
Ans- 5th.
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One Comment
Gaya is incorrect is westchamparan largest district of bihar